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Garway Primary School


The Governing body is made up of 10 governors: the headteacher, 1 x staff governor, 5  x co-opted governors, 2 x parent elected governors and 1 x LA governor.  At the moment we have two vacancies one for a co-opted governor and one LA Governor.

The school governors are all members of the local community.  Several members of the governing body are parents or grandparents of children in the school and all share a common aim to see the school and its pupils thrive.

Governors have a number of statutory responsibilities, such as monitoring and overseeing standards, health and safety and matters relating to safeguarding and child welfare. In addition, the governors are responsible for appointing key members of staff, including the head teacher and deputy head teacher, and have overall responsibility for managing the school’s budget. Full Governing Body meetings are usually held twice each term, but committees with specific responsibilities also meet on a regular basis.

There are three committees - Finance, responsible for budget, health and safety,  buildings and resources.  Pupils, responsible for safeguarding, behaviour, attendance,  curriculum and attainment, and Staffing, responsible for recruitment, contracts, CPD, and appraisal, and discipline.  The committees have the following members: 

 Finance Committee Pupil Committee Staffing Committee

James Hughes (Chair)

Tony Phillips

Katie Franklin

Carrie Hooper

Mark Bevan (Associate Member)   

Julie Jones



Julie Martin (Chair)

Sue Thomas

Ruth Maskell

Zoe Williams

Julie Jones




Sue Thomas

Julie Martin 

Katie Franklin

Julie Jones



Most importantly, we are all committed to ensuring that Garway Primary School is a happy, welcoming, nurturing environment where children love learning and experience a wide range of opportunities that allow them to develop as individuals and fulfil their potential.

The governors provide the school with expertise in a range of different areas, with professional experience in sectors including accountancy, education, marketing and project management.

Occasionally vacancies arise on the governing body and we’re always keen to hear from people who would like to get involved. The term of Office for all Governors is 4 years.

The governors can be contacted via our clerk, Chris Davies, (cdavies@garway.hereford.sch.uk) or via the school office (01600750273).

The Governing Board

 Mr Tony Phillips (Co-opted) Finance Committee. Chair  of Governors since 7.2.2024 A Governor since 1993.  Declarations of Interest: None. Attendance FGB 3/6 Finance Committee 4/6

Tony is a  member of the finance and resources committee and formerly chair of Governors.  He attended the school as a boy and became a governor to put something back into the school.  He is a local builder and well known throughout the area, with a wealth of local knowledge and experience.  He has been a governor for many years and a valued part of the governing body. 

 Mr James Hughes (Parent Governor) Finance Committee (Chair).  A governor since March 2016, James is part of the Finance and Resources Committee.  He is Chair of the Finance Committee.  He comes to us with a wealth of experience as a businessman and auditor. He is well known the vicinity as proprietor of  Pengethley Farm Shop. Declarations of Interest: James has one son at school and his wife is a Teaching Assistant.  James is our Maths Link Governor. Attendance; FGB 6/6, Finance 6/6

 Mrs Julie Jones (Headteacher and Governor) Finance, Pupils and Staffing Committees.  Julie joined the school as headteacher in October 2013 and works 3 days a week in School, but she has been associated with the school and pre-school for 30 years.  Declaration of Interest: Julie  has a grandson in school and her daughter is manager of  Pre-school.  Attendance: FGB 6/6  Finance Committee 6/6 Pupil committee 6/6 Staff Committee 6/6


 Mrs Julie Martin (Co-opted Governor)  Pupils Committee, (Chair) and Staffing Committee, Appointed Governor December 2022. Declaration of Interest: Julie has a granddaughter in school.  She is our SEND Link Governor Attendance: FGB 6/6  Pupil committee: 6/6 Staff Committee: 6/6.

Julie says: "I am delighted to join the governing body at Garway school and to be able to support my local community. I have worked as a primary teacher and special needs coordinator (Sendco) and I also served as a staff governor at my previous school. During my career, I gained most satisfaction from ensuring that children who had special needs or disabilities were identified and diagnosed as early as possible and had their needs met as well as they could be and with their wishes taken into account.

 I moved back ‘home’ to this area in 2020, after living and working in the South East for 40 years, with several spells abroad. I am enjoying rediscovering the beautiful landscapes and have been overcome by the friendly welcome I’ve received. I’m thrilled that my son and his young family have also moved here and that their daughter has joined the Reception class and their son will start in a couple of years time.

 I feel passionate that all children have the opportunity to receive the best possible educational foundations and that all aspects of their well-being are catered for, according to their specific, individual needs. I believe that Garway School is thriving because it offers its pupils such an exciting curriculum, within a nurturing, supportive, exciting and values-based environment- thanks in no small measure, to the hard work and commitment of all staff and families and the energetic enthusiasm and cooperation of the children.

 I am proud to offer my support to Garway School going forward and am eager to watch the pupils develop into the ‘best they can possibly be’ as they move through their schooling and towards whatever life brings them."

Julie has taken on the role of link governor for SEND.

Mrs Sue Thomas,  Co-opted Governor,  Staffing and Pupil Committee.  Appointed to the Governing Board in May 2023.  Declarations of Interest: None.  Attendance: FGB 3/4 Staffing  Committee: 2/2 Pupils Committee: 2/2

Sue writes: "The first reason, perhaps somewhat selfishly, is to be part of the incredible team that manage all aspects of the school. Secondly, I would like to support the team in the amazing work they are doing often in difficult circumstances.

"I have become both interested and fascinated by the current education provision which I am witnessing first hand through my grandchildren in their respective schools in Cardiff, Newport and Oxford. The changes in the curriculum and its delivery that have evolved since my own education and that of my own children are superb. I have been made aware of the role of the governing body through my daughter and her roles on two governing bodies, this has really interested me and made me want to find out more and also to participate.

The Garway school environment provides a secure and safe environment to allow children to develop all the skills required for life’s pathway both from an educational aspect and probably more importantly the social skills to negotiate that pathway. I would want to support this ethos and my midwifery career introduced me to safeguarding and the importance of  identifying children who are being exposed to risk.

Garway school has strong ties with the local community and in the recent Ofsted report this was identified. As a governor I would look to promote further events to bring the school and community together. I have been able to use my strong organisational skills in joint ventures with the school and community.

My years of service in the health service have taught me the importance of integrity, honesty, openness and accountability. I have served on various committees at all levels including at Board level."

Mrs Katie Franklin (Staff Governor), Staffing Committee. A Governor since January 2024.  Declarations of Interest: None.    Katie is both Admin Assistant and TA at Garway Primary School.  She is on the Staffing Committee. She has worked at the school since 2020, and previous to that was a regular volunteer with us.  Her children attended the school but have now moved on to their next stage.  Attendance: FGB 1/1. Staffing: 1/1 Finance: 1/1

Mrs Ruth Maskell (Co-opted Governor) Pupil Committee, Safeguarding Link A governor since February 2024.  Ruth is our Safeguarding link Governor. Ruth is a former TA from Garway Primary School with a wealth of experience in education.  She also has experience of Safeguarding in her association with Garway Hill Chapel. Declarations of Interest: None.  Attendance 1/1

Mrs Zoe Williams (Parent Governor) Pupil committee.  A governor since April 12th 2024.

Zoe is our 2nd Parent Governor and has two children in Garway Primary School.  She has been a primary school teacher and in fact taught in Garway Primary School at one time, so  She now runs a successful holiday cottage business.

Mrs Carrie Hooper (Co-opted Governor) Finance Committee and Pupil Premium Link Governor.  Carrie joined our board on 22nd May 2024.  Declarations of Interest: She has a child in our Pre-school.  Carrie is is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant with a vast experience of change management, dealing with large budgets and delivering targets, as well as collaborating with and building relationships. She has worked for BAE for the last 25 years as a Finance Director.  Carrie has lived in Garway for 10 years and realises how integral the school is to the village and wider community.  She believes the school should be actively supported and encouraged to develop for the benefit of future generations.

 Associate Governors:

Mr Mark Bevan (Associate Governor for Finance)   A governor since 2012, Mark stepped down as a member of the Governing Body in October 2022,  However he has generously offered to continue as an Associate Member  supporting the Finance Committee. He is our link associate for the Pupil Premium. He has no Declarations of Interest.  He has had a long history with Garway School and has contributed greatly to the success of the school over the last few years when a governor.

 Ms Stephanie Garland (Co-opted Governor) Appointed Governor December 2022. Resigned 22.5.2024 Remains as Associate Governor from 22.5.2024

Declaration of Interest: 2 children in school. She is our Curriculum Link Governor. Attendance: FGB 5/6

She is the Teaching, Learning and Quality Improvement Lead at Hereford College of Arts. Her role is to provide strategic leadership in the development of inspiring, innovative and collaborative approaches in teaching, learning and quality improvement that results in students achieving the highest possible standards. She has taken on as link governor for the Early Years and Curriculum. 

Former Governors:

Lady Fiona Mynors (Local Authority) on Staffing and Pupils (Chair)  Committees and responsible for Safeguarding -. A governor since April 2013 until July 2023. Attendance FGB 5/6 Pupil Committee 6/6 Staff Committee 6/6. Special Responsibility for Safeguarding. Declaration of Interest: None Resigned July 21st 2023

Mrs Hilary Smallwood (LA Governor) Chair since October 2022 and  on Staffing (Chair) and Pupils  Committees and responsible for SEN. A governor since February 2012.  She is our chair and chair of the Staffing Committee.  Attendance FGB 5/6  Pupil Committee 6/6 Staff Committee 6/6.  Declarations of Interest: None. Resigned 24.1.2024

Mrs Charlotte Eynon, Deputy Headteacher and Safeguarding Designated Lead in school.  (Staff Governor). Charlotte was appointed to the Governing Board in January 2020 as Staff Governor.  She has a son in school and is teacher of our Class 5/6 and the maths lead for school. She is also our Deputy Headteacher and Safeguarding DSL. She has been a teacher at the school since 2002.  Declaration of Interest: Charlotte has a son in school.  Attendance:  FGB 6/6 Term of office expired 24.1.2024

Mrs Anna Sayce (Parent Governor) Finance Committee.  Anna  joined us in March 2019.  Resigned March 6th  2024.  Declaration of Interest: Anna has one child in School.   Attendance: FGB 6/6 Finance 6/6


At present there are no conflicts of business interest within the School Governing Board, other than those governors who are parents/grandparents of pupils, one Governor whose wife is working at School as a TA and the Headteacher whose daughter is  Pre-school leader and has a grandson in school.

ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE GOVERNORS July 2024 - please click on link below:

Governors Report to Parents 2024