PSA News
February News
After a successful and fun Autumn term of events and Fundraising, we’ve been busy behind the scenes this month. Pippa has been working very hard to finish the upgrade to the PSA bank account so we can access online banking services. This has taken about 4 years (that is not an exaggeration) but we’re finally there.
This will mean we can do bank transfers and track payments into the account without waiting for a printed statement. It feels like the PSA is on the brink of joining the 21st century!
PSA Meeting - Tuesday 20th February, 7.30pm at The Moon Pub. All Welcome…
November 2023
Firstly - thank you to Ally Farr and her team of helpers for putting on a totally SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Disco. Amazing costumes and a really good fun evening for everyone! This was a social event run by the PSA, but the drinks, sweets and popcorn sales raised a FRIGHTFULLY impressive total of over £300. Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the evening!
Now - so many people to thank for their various efforts and generosity to support the annual Bonfire and Fireworks event. This is a mammoth undertaking and we couldn't run the event without the support of the school community, local people and local businesses. In particular we'd like to thank: Ron and Paul Evans for allowing us to hold the event at Treago Farm and their extra effort to help the event run smoothly; Brian Whistance for allowing us access to his field for parking; James Hughes and the Pengethley Farm Shop team for the meaty burgers and sausages; Ben Taylor and Pengethley Garden Centre for the deliciously warming soup; Thurabread Bakery for the bread rolls; Barry Myhill for donating paper cups; Alex, Fiona, Richard and the Mynors family for their continued support of the event and Garway Youth Group for their help with firepit supervision and assistance with parking.
And so many school families and staff gave considerable time too - site set up in the morning, cooking, running the bar, serving hot food and drinks, sweets and marshmallow sales, fire pit supervision, site electrics; music to accompany the fireworks. Enormous thanks for making time in your busy lives to help run this event safely and successfully.
Special thanks to (and I REALLY hope I haven't missed anyone): Gareth and Zoe Williams, Anna and Martin Williams, Katie and Stubby Simpson, Gareth Watkins, Tom McEwan, Rich and Kata Sparey, Kate Brown, Christina Plant, Georgie and Sheila Heath, Mandy Lloyd, Hannah Probert, Lisa Quan, Ally Farr, Natalie Christopher and school staff Bryony, Kate H, Katie F, Chris and Miss Jones and Mrs Eynon.
We're very pleased to say that our Bonfire and Fireworks event raised over £4300 for the school with monies still to come in. Final fundraising total is TBC. We have had some fantastic, positive feedback from people who attended the event which was really lovely for the team involved. If anyone has any comments or suggestions for improvements, please let us know. I'll be arranging a Fireworks Feedback session in the coming days - all input welcome!
If anyone would like to run or get involved with future PSA events, please let Susannah, Pippa or Claire know - we'll be doing a Christmas hamper raffle, coordinating the gifts from the 'Big FC' and refreshments at the nativity during this half of the autumn term, so plenty to get involved with!
Thank you, from Susannah, Pippa and Claire
What we do with funds raised
We have been able to support our lovely school in many ways over the year, including covering transport costs for trips, the pantomime, Christmas events and much more.
Chair - Susannah Jones
Secretary - Claire Pevaro
Treasurer - Pippa Littler