Enriching the Curriculum
Throughout the year, children enjoy a wide range of activities to support and enrich their learning across the curriculum.
School grounds
The school environment offers many opportunities for learning outside the classroom. The woodland fringe supports many curriculum areas, including science and art.
The grounds provide a range of activity areas which the children can use during playtimes, including ball games, sand pits, den building, music making, an outdoor ‘stage’ for drama and areas for imaginative play and quieter activities.
Community Links
We have regular community events held in the village hall, and now Garway Community Centre, including The Village Christmas. Children also occasionally visit Orcop Evergreens and meet the older members of the community for music and song.
Educational visits
All classes have educational visits during the year which are linked to a class topic and are an important part of the children’s learning. A voluntary contribution is requested for those involving transport or admission fees. Visits may have to be cancelled if there is not enough parental support. Recent visits have included Blist Hill Museum, visits to Madley (MESC) and the Courtyard Theatre for the pantomime. The children all took part in a Remembrance Day Memorial in Garway Church this year,.
We welcome visitors into our school, including writers, poets, theatre groups, artists, scientists and musicians.
We have a close relationship with Austin Keenan, Garway’s resident storyteller, who visits regularly to share the magic of storytelling with the children.
Theme weeks
We plan special ‘theme’ weeks in our school calendar, including ‘Grounds Week’, ‘Storytelling Week', Science Week’ and ‘Health Week’. During these weeks we suspend our normal timetable to give plenty of time to explore the theme in depth.