English encompasses spoken language, reading and writing.
Reading includes:
- Word reading
- Comprehension
Children are encouraged to take a book home every day. Children change their books regularly, so book bags should be brought to school every day. Book bags are available from the office.
Writing includes:
- Handwriting
- Composition
- Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
- Phonics and spelling
In writing, children learn to write for a variety of purposes (e.g. stories, letters, poems, information) and develop their skills by a drafting and redrafting process.
We use materials from the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ and ‘Language and Literacy’ programmes to deliver aspects of the English curriculum, particularly early phonics, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. For these sessions, children are taught in small groups, grouped by attainment, for up to one hour each day.
We use the ‘Oxford Owls’ spelling scheme to teach spelling rules and patterns.
Curriculum Overview Reading 2023
Curriculum Overview Writing 2023
English Curriculum Spellings and Glossary
Phonics sounds set 1 2 and 3-2.