It is not compulsory for children to wear school uniform to school every day.
ALL children will be expected to dress appropriately for school so that they are able to join in school activities safely and with adequate clothing for outdoor learning and play.
ALL children are expected to adhere to the school policy on jewellery. Jewellery should not be worn to school.
ALL children will need the required school P.E. kit in school for all P.E. and sports lessons and activities.
For KS1: Green polo shirt with school logo, black shorts and black pumps.
For KS2: as above plus trainers, jogging bottoms and a warm sweatshirt for outdoor P.E. in colder weather. Football boots, shin pads and green football socks are needed by all of KS2 from the autumn term.
For swimming, pupils need swimming trunks or costume (one piece, no bikinis) and a towel.
Children with hair longer than shoulder length will need to tie it back for both P.E. and swimming.
ALL children will need a bottle green school sweatshirt/hooded top and a school polo shirt with the school logo on. Though these are not compulsory on a daily basis, they will be required for all offsite trips and sporting activities (including swimming lessons) and all times when the pupils are representing the school (including photographs).
Optional items include a school fleece jacket.
Where to Buy items
The Beeline Company or School Trends are the providers of our green sweatshirts, hooded tops and polo shirts with the school Logo. We endeavour to ensure the items are competitively priced. (Polo shirts start at £8.20 and Sweatshirts £12.50)
You are able to buy directly from Beeline or School Trends.
Online: The Beeline and School Trends
We also have a small selection of second hand sweatshirts and polo shirts available in school for purchase for a donation to the school funds.
If your child qualifies for Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium, some financial assistance can be offered by school to help towards the costs of buying a school sweatshirt/hooded top and a school polo shirt with the school logo. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.